4 top noodle foods in Northern Vietnam
Under Blog, Eat, play, watch1. Pho
Pho, a typical food of Vietnamese people, has been existed for a long time. Pho is prepared not only in a sophisticated manner but also in a special technique which is required to have thin and supple vermicelli, as well as the sweet- smelling and tender meat. Especially, the pure bouillon must be scalding hot and have the natural sweet from the bone meat.
Pho is often garnished with various ingredients such as bean sprouts, coriander, basil, and lime. Without enjoying Pho when travelling to Vietnam, it somewhats seems to lack of a part taste of Hanoi.
Suggested Address: Pho Thin shop, 13 Lo Duc Street, Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi
2. Bun Thang
The vermicelli used in Bun Thang is the kind of small and white tangled vermicelli, which was pervaded with the banana leaf aroma wrapped outside
Bun Thang requires various ingredients including lean pork paste, thin fried egg, chicken, salted shredded shrimp, shrimp paste and a little Belostomatid essence. All these flavours are mixed together and beautifully ganished luring both of olfactory and sight.
For the gourmet, Bun Thang is the beautiful and perfect blend of taste, color and aroma. Once eating noodle you will remember forever the colorful, pungent memory of chili, garlic, the sweetness of the bones in the broth.
Suggested address: 32 Cau Go district, Hanoi; Giang Vo Street, Hanoi.
3. Bun Cha
Bun Cha is a perfect combination of two most favorite dishes of the summer: Vermicelli noodles with grilled pork meatballs served on the green of salad, herb, bean sprouts and sliced cucumbers.
Bun Cha attracts the particular love of customers not only because of the aromatic and pleasant smell of grilled pork on the charcoal, but also the charming sauce blending the spicy, salty and sweet together.
Suggested address: No.1 Hang Manh, Ha Noi.
4. Pho Cuon
Pho Cuon is a Hanoi delicacy. Both of Vietnamese people and foreign visitors are sweet upon this full- bodied food.
It is made by tightly rolling fried beef with onion, lettuce in a thick and smooth sheet of rice paper, which is actually an uncut sheet of Banh Pho. These flavours are moistened with a small bowl of dipping sauce- nuoc mam and vinegar dipping sauce with sliced carrots.
Suggested addresses: 31 Ngu Xa, Truc Bach, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi; No. 07, Mac Dinh Chi, Tay Ho, Hanoi; 3A To Hien Thanh, Ha Ba Trung, Hanoi.
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